So we had enough ingredients for a full grain method. Never mind that the grains weren't malted. That was a minor detail. We then proceeded to bring our 3 gallons of water up to 170 deg F and mashed for one hour.
Now we had to rinse or sparge so I had to come up with some thing. Behold, Wifey's Broccoli steamer. The perfect makeshift sparging unit.
Wifey's Broccoli Steamer, Rinse & Press |
We boiled, fermented, dry hopped, secondary fermented bottled and a week later, taste tested.
Have you ever eaten green grass? Well the beer tasted like beer and it was real silky from the oats but, the after taste on the sides of my tongue was like green grass. I don't know, maybe its the rat poison in the horse grain. Who knows. I can tell you one thing. I am a full grain only brewer now.
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