Dedicated to making homemade beer using Wifey's pots and pans.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Side By Side Comparison

#30 next to the commonly available variety.

Early indications are that this batch will not last long and that recipe #30 is a keeper. I am in the habit of under charging the stouts in order to keep the head down. There is nothing worse than opening a bottle, only to have half of it end on the counter because it bubbled up like champagne. Adding a 1/2 cup of sugar to 5 gallons works out about just right so the last bottle will have the perfect head. The other benefit to under charging is that it allows you to aggressively pour the beer into the glass. This is what I had to do in order to coax the tiny bit of head for the one on the left. This also 'provides a smoothness and a drinkability that you will find in no other beer...', you know the drill.

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